The world leading CBRN defence software
Software application for non-CBRN Warning & Reporting specialists
A solution that protects from hostile chemical, biological, and radiological threats
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Core products

CBRN-Analysis and CBRNE-Frontline are advanced, off-the-shelf CBRN Defence Knowledge Management Software Applications, that provide Information Management, Hazard Prediction and Warning and Reporting (W&R) capability, to efficiently support the planning and execution of operations.

SafeVita is for non-CBRN experts to monitor hazards, facilitate reaction plans, reduce response time, and enable rapid life-saving decisions. All products interface with each other to support civil/military interoperability.


The world leading CBRN defence software.


CBRN-software application for
non-specialists within the area of warning and reporting.


End-to-end solution that saves lives in the event of a chemical terrorist attack, industrial release or other CBRN incident.

Providing CBRN software solutions in 3 market segments


Defence Operations

Our products have proved their critical value in conflict zones around the globe, protecting
deployed personnel and bringing them safely home. Read more about our defence products here.


Making cities smarter & safer

Protecting citizens from hazardous chemicals, radioactive material or biological agents is a new,
modern-day challenge. Read more about our public safety product here


Helping those in need

We’re founded on the belief that all lives have equal value and that every human being is entitled to a meaningful life. As such, we are proud to offer our software solutions free of charge to all
not-for-profit organisations.

Let’s have a talk

We’re always happy and available to meet for a conversation about our many products. We’ll do our best to give relevant and valuable insights on how our solutions might be able to help and support you in protecting and saving lives.

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